What you should know about a Vizsla...
Apapted from and excerpts taken from the article "The Vizsla Today" in Gun Dog Magazine by James B Spencer
Breed History
The Vizsla has long been known as "The Handsome Hungarian"
although the breed was only recently introduced to the
United States after World War II. Information about the breed
dates back to 1375 and the Hungarian King Louis (Lajos)
the Great. Hungarian nobility controlled the breed for
centuries since they were the only ones with the time and
wealth for sport hunting. They guarded the breed closely
and refused to export it, that was, however, until the Russian
invasion of Hungary during World War II.
Fearing it's annihilation, they began smuggling them out
through the Iron Curtain. Very soon afterward, Vizslas
reached America and were recognized by the AKC in 1960.
Hunting Prowess
Vizslas are known as a "close-working dog". What does that mean? It means they are ideal for today's hunter. Nowadays many hunters hunt small parcels often right beside parcels which you do not have permission to hunt and Vizslas are perfect for this restricted range hunting.
"They like to maintain contact with you," Chauncey Smith said. "In tall grass, they stand up on their hind legs from time to time to look for you."
"The average Vizsla, with average ability," Lynn Worth said, "makes most walking hunters very happy. They stay in close and they're very trainable."
Their pointing instinct is strong and develops early. They are excellent shooting dogs because of their ability to point out birds and retrieve them. The retrieve instinct is natural in most Vizslas but some may have to be trained. They are not necessarily built for water retrieving but most all Vizslas take easily to the water.
A Gentleman's Dog
A Gentleman's dog, meaning a person who forms a close bond with his dog and tries to bring out his dog's best qualities without overdue pressure. Vizslas have an intense desire to please, which makes them easily trainable, and means they need a close attachment with their owner. They are also considered a "soft" dog meaning a gentle man or gentle woman will be able to develop a Vizslas full potential.
Vizslas want to feel appreciated and to communicate appreciation a person must pet and praise them often.
What makes a good Vizsla?
Physical Traits
The Vizsla stands about 23 inches at the withers
(highest point of the shoulders) and weighs
around 40-50 pounds. The Vizsla has a sleeker
appearance because it is lighter boned than
other pointers. They seem to move effortlessly
through the field. They carry about 2/3 of their
original tails and have a short solid golden rust
colored coat.
Vizslas form a strong attachment to their owners
and demand more attention than other pointers.
As long as they receive enough human contact,
they can adapt to kennel life but they do better in
the home. They are intensely loyal to their owners, an endearing trait. It's been said that the "V" stands for velcro.
Vizlas will alert you to strangers but as soon as you give the "all clear" that stranger will become their new best friend. They are more of a watchdog than a guard dog--a bark without the bite.
Vizslas are not inclined to challenge other dogs but they will stand their ground.
Vizslas respond best to "soft" training techniques because their desire to please is so strong. The only correction that is usually needed is a strong word.
If you need help training your Vizsla, or any other breed, please let us know and we would be happy to help you!